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Danger level 10
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:

Blue Screen With Cockroaches

Do you see Bugs on the Screen and they are eating it screen? This infection is very popular. Users can get this type of infection by installing fake video codec’s (like Flash Activex Object Error, Video ActiveX Object, Video Activex Object Error) to be able to see porn video. This kind of codec’s actually install Trojan (like Trojan Zlob) into a user's computer system. Those fake video codec’s actually open a backdoor for all kinds of spyware, malware or even viruses to take over user's computer. For example, after this kind of installation, users start to see fake error and warning messages that their computer system is infected. These popups can offer user to download Rogue anti-spyware programs (such as Antivirus 2008, Antivirus2008, VirusHeat, IEAntiVirus, IE AntiVirus, IE AntiVirus 3.2, SpywareIsolator, AntiSpywareMaster, AdvancedXPDefender, AntiMalwareGuard).

After a while, the user's screen appears to be full of black bugs that are eating the screen and making it blue. After some time, the bugs may disappear, but they can come back if the infection is not properly removed.

This is one of many symptoms showing that user's computer is infected with spyware. We recommend that you delete this type of infection as soon as possible to safeguard the security of your PC!

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Blue Screen With Cockroaches
  • Quick & tested solution for Blue Screen With Cockroaches removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Blue Screen With Cockroaches

Files associated with infection (Blue Screen With Cockroaches):


Processes to kill (Blue Screen With Cockroaches):



  1. Dennis Roque May 26, 2008

    I have not Finished yet but I have a lot of crap on my machine.... to the makers of this.. thanks.....very much. Job well Don

  2. joanne Aug 19, 2008

    ca marche pas

  3. joanne Aug 19, 2008

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