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Danger level 10
Type: Trojans

Other mutations known as:

Bugs on the Screen Virus

Do you see Blue Screen With Cockroaches? Some users can get this type of infection from installing fake video codec’s (such as Flash Activex Object Error, Video ActiveX Object, Video Activex Object Error) which could help to display video. These codec’s actually install Trojans (like Trojan Zlob) onto a user's computer. In this way, they open a backdoor for all kinds of malware, spyware and even viruses to gain access to the user's PC. For example, after installation, users start to see fake popup warning messages about a computer system infection. These popups usually offer to download Rogue anti-spyware programs like Antivirus 2008, Antivirus2008, VirusHeat, IEAntiVirus, IE AntiVirus, IE AntiVirus 3.2, SpywareIsolator, AntiSpywareMaster, AdvancedXPDefender, AntiMalwareGuard.
After some time, the user's screen appears to be full of bugs that are eating the screen. After awhile, the bugs may disappear, but they may appear again if the infection is not properly removed.
This is one of the symptoms that a computer is infected. We recommend that you delete this type of infection as soon as possible to safeguard the security of your PC!

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Bugs on the Screen Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Bugs on the Screen Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Bugs on the Screen Virus

Files associated with infection (Bugs on the Screen Virus):


Processes to kill (Bugs on the Screen Virus):


Remove registry entries (Bugs on the Screen Virus):



  1. Andrea May 28, 2008

    there is also a ctfmona.exe that could be attached to this.

  2. patrick May 31, 2008

    yeah, i like pissed myself when this happened to me, cuz i saw the "fake antivirus"thing and it said that i had like 2000 infections!
    and i was freakin out and everything, and then it turned out it was just some bull crap trojan :/
    asnd yeah like andrea said above, the ctfmona.exe needs to be added, cuz i removed that only, and that just stopped the whole thing entirely, but its there and its not good :/

  3. Otto Jun 6, 2008

    Yes. But the people that makes the virus keep changing the name of the files I heve the same thing but my files are named blphcgh9j0evcv And surfing the net looking for answers I saw some names similar to the one I have but with a 2 or 3 different letters

  4. Mal Jun 9, 2008

    i also have the virus someone please help!

  5. Wes Jul 15, 2008

    Those damn are eating the warning sign! I don't know much about computer code and stuff. How can i get rid of it? Does it do any harm to the computer other than the annoying bug graphics?

  6. Li Apr 1, 2009

    Sheesh. I remember when this infected my old computer.
    (Along with Virtumonde, though, of course.)
    It killed my computer. o_O;

  7. Yo Mama Apr 27, 2022

    This ***** no video at all! Give me a download link please or else.

  8. Soon Apr 27, 2022

  9. I will eat a lamp Apr 27, 2022

  10. It will be your fault Apr 27, 2022

  11. You will be the death of me I swear to god Apr 27, 2022

  12. FUCK YOU ZUCKERBERG Apr 27, 2022

  13. Eat my shit bro, fr dawg Apr 27, 2022

  14. Bro munch on my fucking doo doo bruh, slurp that shit asshole Apr 27, 2022

  15. I need 13 million dollars right now Apr 27, 2022

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