HDMusicStreamSearchHDMusicStreamSearch is the kind of extension that Google Chrome users are likely to install and forget about. It does not have an interface, and it does not seem to offer anything useful. In fact, it was created for the purpose of showing search results via search.yahoo.com. It does that by modifying the default search provider and redirecting search queries. If you are used to using Yahoo Search, or if you are happy with the redirecting, you might forget the reason you downloaded the suspicious extension for. Did you download it hoping that you could stream music using it? If that is the case, you must already know that it is not useful in that way. In fact, from what we have seen, the only thing it does within the browser is to change the default search. Of course, there is more that happens in the background, and that is exactly why we recommend deleting this PUP – potentially unwanted program. If you are ready to remove HDMusicStreamSearch, scroll down. If you are not, keep reading. We cannot know for sure how you downloaded HDMusicStreamSearch. Perhaps you found it on the Chrome Web Store, at chrome.google.com/webstore/detail//cpbefaippdfpiclgpjcbdobhbnneldpi/. When we analyzed the PUP, this installer was still active, and when users employed it, they were informed that the extension can both change search settings and also read the browsing history. This is not news to us because HDMusicStreamSearch works exactly like PDFConverterSearchHQ, AnyStationSearch, and a ton of other extensions that offer nothing useful. It is likely that the same party is responsible for them all. It is interesting that these extensions are linked to “portal” pages like portal.hdmusicstreamsearch.com, but they do not represent them after installation. The “portal” page might be attractive to some users because it looks like a normal search engine with free file and currency conversion tools. That put aside, the PUP is meant to convince you that it can offer “the best way to search,” but it fails at that. And that is because the search results it shows via Yahoo Search are not to be trusted. Some users of HDMusicStreamSearch might not even notice that the PUP redirects to Yahoo Search. Others might assume that that is a trustworthy service. Well, the creator of the extension has employed this popular and well-known search engine to ensure that more users interact with the shown results. What is the problem with that? Well, what you see is not exactly normal. The results are modified, and third-party links are injected. Are these links dangerous? That is hard to say, but because little is known about the third-party associates of the PUP’s creator, we do not recommend trusting them. This is why we assume that feed.hdmusicstreamsearch.com is not a reliable search tool and why we recommend deleting HDMusicStreamSearch from the browser too. That is not all, and you might also need to delete web cookies that track information about your browsing and even personally identifiable data and also share it with the mysterious third parties. Can you just ignore the issue and enjoy the search tool? That is always an option, but if you value your virtual security, we do not recommend turning a blind eye to this. Perhaps you are ready to delete HDMusicStreamSearch from your browser, and if that is the case, perhaps you are already eyeing the manual removal guide below. It is easy to follow, and most users should be able to eliminate the PUP using it. That said, we have to account for the possibility that other threats exist. PUPs are often spread with the help of third-party downloaders that might bundle something attractive with something unpopular or even dangerous. Until you scan your system, you might be completely unaware of any third-party threats that might exist. What if the scanner detects something malicious? Of course, you want to delete it. Perhaps you can find guides you need on our website, and if you cannot, post a comment below. We will assist you. Of course, it might be easier and safer to just implement anti-malware software that would automatically remove HDMusicStreamSearch with the rest. This is also the software you want to install if you want to protect your system. HDMusicStreamSearch Removal
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