Danger level 6
Type: Spyware


Spyware.SafeSurfing is a very dangerous spyware application that is guaranteed to be a very big computer security threat. One of the most scariest aspects with regard to Spyware.SafeSurfing is that it is able to actually bypass certain firewalls, which makes it a very dangerous application.Spyware.SafeSurfing may install itself onto your computer without your knowledge or consent and automatically start up each time that Windows starts up. You need to know that if your computer gets infected with Spyware.SafeSurfing, you will be at a very high computer security risk.

Spyware.SafeSurfing may go by the following names:
• SpywareSafeSurfing
• Spyware SafeSurfing

Spyware.SafeSurfing may display some of the following symptoms:
• It may feel like somebody is controlling your computer.
• Your computer may perform slower than usual.
• Files may appear and disappear.
• Things may download that you didn\'t download yourself.
• System settings may change by itself.
• Your internet connection may run slower than usual.
• You may experience computer problems with no explanation.
• Places and people may obtain your information without you giving it to them.

Spyware.SafeSurfing is able to monitor every single thing that you do online.Spyware.SafeSurfing runs very high risks of capturing all your personal information, with the inclusion of your passwords as well as sending this information to malicious predetermined remote servers.Spyware.SafeSurfing is extremely dangerous and is not something that you want anywhere near your computer in any way, shape or form. It is within your best interest to remove Spyware.SafeSurfing immediately upon detection, in order to prevent any further problems.

It is suggested that you make use of a decent antispyware application that is able to both detect as well as remove Spyware.SafeSurfing for you. You have the option of the manual removal process or alternatively the automatic removal process. You need to be warned that the manual removal process is extremely difficult and may cause you additional computer problems.Spyware.SafeSurfing is something that you want to get off your computer as soon as humanly possible.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Spyware.SafeSurfing
  • Quick & tested solution for Spyware.SafeSurfing removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Spyware.SafeSurfing

Files associated with infection (Spyware.SafeSurfing):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Spyware.SafeSurfing):


Remove registry entries (Spyware.SafeSurfing):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects{70F6A776-579A-4C95-BA88-134253907752}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{70F6A776-579A-4C95-BA88-134253907752}

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