Danger level 5
Type: Spyware


Spyware.IamBigBrother is terrible spyware which will cause you many unwanted computer problems.Spyware.IamBigBrother is able to monitor as well as capture all your browsing activity, all your keys strokes as well as all your confidential information. This means that Spyware.IamBigBrother may cause malicious online characters to actually be able to gain access to all your highly personal information with the inclusion of your passwords. This unfortunately presents you with a risk of becoming the next victim of identity theft or a big cybercrime.

Spyware.IamBigBrother may go by the following names:
• SpywareIamBigBrother
• Spyware IamBigBrother
• Spyware.I am BigBrother

Spyware.IamBigBrother may display some of the following symptoms:
• Your system settings may change.
• Files may appear and disappear.
• Things may install onto your machine that you didn’t authorize.
• Your computers performance may decrease in speed.
• You may receive vast amounts of annoying pop ups.
• Your internet connection may suddenly become slow and strange.

Spyware.IamBigBrother is able to hide itself on your computer system in order to avoid detection. You need to be aware of the factor that Spyware.IamBigBrother presents you with very serious computer security risks if your computer gets infected.Spyware.IamBigBrother is able to monitor, capture and steal everything that you type on your keyboard, as you can imagine this will cause severe problems to both your life and your computer system.

If you suspect that you may have Spyware.IamBigBrother running on your machine but you aren\'t entirely sure, you could make use of a decent software application that is able to both detect and remove Spyware.IamBigBrother for you. You do have the option of making use of the manual removal process but this is not suggested as it can seriously damage your machine. You should make use of a decent and reliable antispyware removal tool that will effectively detect as well as remove Spyware.IamBigBrother

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Spyware.IamBigBrother
  • Quick & tested solution for Spyware.IamBigBrother removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Spyware.IamBigBrother

Files associated with infection (Spyware.IamBigBrother):


Processes to kill (Spyware.IamBigBrother):


Remove registry entries (Spyware.IamBigBrother):


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