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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans


Packed.NSAnti.r is a horrible Trojan that is able to cause lots of damage to your computer. If Packed.NSAnti.r gains access to your machine, it will do so without your consent or knowledge, when you least expect it. Packed.NSAnti.r also runs high risks of causing your privacy to be invaded. The risks are very high of people being able to steal your passwords and take control of your computer.

Packed.NSAnti.r may go by the following names:
• Packed.NSAnti
• PackedNSAnti
• Packed NSAnti

Packed.NSAnti.r may display some of the following symptoms:
• The system settings of your machine can change.
• Your computer can start decreasing in speed.
• Some of your files may be shared with other people, without you knowing it.
• It may feel like somebody else has power over your computer.
• Files may start to appear and disappear.
• Your computer may become completely unreliable.

Packed.NSAnti.r needs to be removed from your computer upon immediate detection, no matter what the circumstances may be. The best advice is for you to invest in a decent software application that is up to date and able to detect as well as remove Packed.NSAnti.r automatically for you. It is suggested that you don\'t bother with the manual removal method as it may cause additional damage to your computer.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Packed.NSAnti.r
  • Quick & tested solution for Packed.NSAnti.r removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Packed.NSAnti.r

Files associated with infection (Packed.NSAnti.r):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Packed.NSAnti.r):


Remove registry entries (Packed.NSAnti.r):

RUNNING PROGRAM\explorer.exe

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