- Slow Computer
- System crashes
- Changes background
- Installs itself without permissions
- Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel
VpntopVpntop tries to sell itself as the provider of top VPN services for countries that may be under the "harshest censorship" and where conventional VPN software could not help users with their anonymity or banned website issues. However, the truth is that this software does not even appear to work as a VPN service but rather as a Trojan that downloads a serious threat in the background that may destroy your CPU by frying it with constant power consumption at 100%. When you realize that your PC is running at such a high level for no apparent reason while everything you want to do is rather slow and freezing, you should be suspicious right away that there could be a malware program on board that could be responsible. It is important that you kill the malicious process running in the background immediately and remove Vpntop right afterwards to protect your computer. Since this malware infection can come on board without your knowledge, it also means that there could be other malicious threats hiding on your system that also require your attention if you would like to secure your virtual world. This Trojan program is promoted on its own official website, vpntop.com. This is a very simple and old-school type of site that does not have the impression of a professional and modern background. You cannot even download this alleged VPN software directly as you have to sign up first to create an account. You should be aware that this could be used by schemers to send you all kinds of promotional materials and even malware infections once they have your e-mail contact information. Nevertheless, we do not believe that too many computer users would ever find this website or find out about this software at all; well, not through official channels for sure. The more worrisome situation is when you install this Trojan as part of a free software bundle. In this case, it is possible that you do not even know what else you are installing apart from the main free software that you actually chose to download and have on your system. A lot of users still do not realize that downloading free or cracked files has its own risks when done through questionable channels. For example, after running a web search on a free program, you may be offered all kinds of fake or malicious file-sharing websites as results. If you are not familiar with these pages, you can easily end up on one that can infect you with a bundle of threats by clicking on the download button or any of the annoying third-party ads it may promote. Third-party advertisements are risky anyway, mostly when generated by questionable websites usually associated with online gaming, betting, and file-sharing. If you want to make sure that your system is safe, we suggest that after you delete Vpntop, you also scan your PC with a proper malware scanner to be able to detect all other potential threats that could be hiding on your computer. When you download "shadowsocks.exe," which is offered on the official site, two things happen. First, this installer downloads and installs another program silently here: "%HOMEDRIVE%\Applications\websocks.exe." This is a Bitcoin miner program that mines "mine2.12finance.com. " Second, this Trojan also creates a task called "%WINDIR%\System32\ShadowsocksS" in order to start up automatically every time you log in to your Windows. It is important to note that a Bitcoin miner can work in the background without your knowledge and consume 100% of your CPU or GPU power depending on the software. This obviously means that your PC will become virtually unusable because of such power consumption. If you do not act in time, this Trojan and its companion may actually destroy your computer by frying your processors. Since this program does not even seem to work as a VPN service, this makes it even more useless and redundant. Thus, we highly recommend that you remove Vpntop as soon as possible. Before eliminating the related files from your system, it is important that you end the process that is responsible for the mining. Once your PC regains its "consciousness," you can bin all the responsible files and reboot your system to start anew. Since this Trojan could be only one of many threats on your PC, we suggest that you use a professional anti-malware program (e.g., SpyHunter) to detect and remove all possible threats from your system and protect it automatically from future attacks. Do not forget to also keep your programs and drivers always updated to provide the best protection for your computer. Remove Vpntop from Windows
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