Tweakerbit Registry OptimizerTweakerbit Registry Optimizer is promoted as “a quick and reliable registry optimizer software.” It promises to quickly find and clean invalid registry entries in no time, so it does not even surprise us that so many users download this legitimate-looking application and install it on their PCs without hesitation. This registry optimizer can be downloaded directly from its official website, but it has turned out that not all users willingly download it from this page. Some people cannot explain how Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer has entered their systems, which suggests that this application might be spread using alternative distribution methods as well. Specialists at say that it should be spread in bundles with third-party software, which immediately makes it a potentially unwanted program (PUP). It is not the only reason it has been put into this category, of course. Read the rest of this article to find more disturbing facts about it. As mentioned above, there are several reasons Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer cannot be considered a fully trustworthy application. Although it presents itself as a powerful registry cleaner/optimizer, many users get disappointed with it because the trial version of this program only scans the system and shows scan results to users. In other words, it cannot clean the system registry. Only a full version of Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer, which costs 29.99 USD, can do that. As can be seen, it is not a very expensive application, but you should think twice before purchasing its license because, according to researchers at, it is not a very beneficial application if compared to similar software. These “problems” it detects on users’ computers are mostly empty registry values and other minor issues that should not have a negative impact on the computer’s overall performance. Therefore, we suggest that you purchase the license of a more powerful registry cleaner instead. Malware researchers have made a decision to classify Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer as a potentially unwanted program also because it can be installed on users’ computers without their permission. Some users install it from its official website, but since it is not a popular piece of software yet, we still believe that the majority of users find it installed on their PCs without their knowledge. We would lie if we said that they do not contribute to its entrance themselves. Of course, they know nothing about that. Research has revealed that this potentially unwanted program usually arrives on users’ PCs in software bundles. That is, they install software bundles downloaded from file-sharing websites thus allowing Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer to get onto their computers too. They only find out about that when they come across its shortcut on Desktop. Bundling is one of the most popular methods used to spread suspicious software nowadays, so you should be more careful starting today. Also, you should enable security software on your computer. While fully reliable programs can be installed and deleted whenever a user wants, Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer leaves leftovers on users’ PCs when they remove it using Control Panel. Specialists have observed that it leaves two registry keys HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Tweakerbit_Registry_Optimizer_RASAPI32 and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Tweakerbit_Registry_Optimizer_RASMANCS. On top of that, you could find the folder this program creates in %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% even if you delete it. All its components must be eliminated as soon as possible so that it could not revive or continue performing certain activities in the background. If you are not going to purchase the license of Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer, i.e., upgrade the program, there is no point in keeping it installed on the system either because it will only let you perform a diagnostic scan, and, additionally, it will use your Internet connection. Although you will find its uninstaller in Control Panel, it does not mean that you could delete it fully like an ordinary program. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, this registry optimizer leaves leftovers – you will need to take care of them all yourself. You can use our removal guide to do this, or you can use an automatic scanner to delete all these leftovers automatically. We know one thing for sure – you cannot keep any of its components active. How to delete Tweakerbit Registry OptimizerWindows XP
Windows 7/Vista/8/8.1/10
Delete leftovers
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
Tweakerbit Registry Optimizer
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