Danger level 6
Type: Malware


RemoteAdmin.ROM.a is a program which enables a remote controller to work on a computer in real time. Malware programs make use of this application to take control of users\' PC and can view, send, read any other program or information. Therefore this application could also be regarded as spyware.

Being a form of a malicious malware infection, RemoteAdmin.ROM.a may be capable of downloading and installing alternative and various renegade applications onto a system without the user’s consent or knowledge thereof.

RemoteAdmin.ROM.a is quite capable of downloading adware, spyware or other malware from various servers and sources on the internet, therefore the state of the system’s personal security is at great risk with RemoteAdmin.ROM.a present.

RemoteAdmin.ROM.a is well known for allowing remote access into a system where files or personal information may be stolen.

Important to bear in mind is the fact that RemoteAdmin.ROM.a regularly carries out covert downloads onto computers, and along with its predilection to install renegade security programs and other malware, RemoteAdmin.ROM.a is considered a highly dangerous malware.

RemoteAdmin.ROM.a needs to be removed from a system immediately, as it affects the system in such a way that the opening of illicit network connections, the use of polymorphic tactics to self-mutate, the disabling of already installed security software, the modification of system files, and not forgetting the installation of additional malware is not only guaranteed but is in actuality a promise.

Manual detection and removal of RemoteAdmin.ROM.a is not recommended, as it could further damage a computer system.

To avoid any unneeded risks of damage to your computer system, it is highly recommended to make use of a reliable and legitimate anti-spyware application, to remove RemoteAdmin.ROM.a and all its components from the infected computer system.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* RemoteAdmin.ROM.a
  • Quick & tested solution for RemoteAdmin.ROM.a removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove RemoteAdmin.ROM.a

Files associated with infection (RemoteAdmin.ROM.a):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (RemoteAdmin.ROM.a):


Processes to kill (RemoteAdmin.ROM.a):


Remove registry entries (RemoteAdmin.ROM.a):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesAledensoft ROManager
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Aledensoft ROManager
RUNNING PROGRAM\explorer.exe

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