Danger level 6
Type: Malware


HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy is the latest malicious software causing problems for PC users. This program is affiliated with Free Proxy, which is in fact a proxy server program designed to enable the sharing of the Internet access of one computer among others.

This program becomes suspicious if installed onto a system without the consent or knowledge of the system user.

Being a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP), HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy should not be trusted, and should instead be removed from the system it has infiltrated, ASAP!

The following are symptoms associated with this type of potentially malicious application:

* HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy allows parasites associated with the file to operate invisibly in the background.
* HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy may record your credit cards, bank passwords and other personal information.
* Parasites operate on your PC while HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy is present on the system.

Below is a list of features that will help define whether a file the likes of HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy and any of its affiliated components are legitimate or not:

* First examine the description, the product or the company signing – if signing is absent, misspelled or modified there is a high risk that the file is illegitimate.
* At initial activation illegitimate file opens a small window and immediately closes under the cursor. This process is called dummywin.exe and proves illegitimacy of the file.
* A file can get injected when cursor moves on the window and in this way activates the process. Usually certain files will display a notification.
* On a powerful PC the window will display and close instantly before you can even react.
* You can check information on the file online; this will reduce the risk of removing a legitimate program.

We recommend running a scan of the infected computer in order to detect any additional spyware threats. One should make use of a legitimate antispyware tool, to ensure this PC threat, HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy, is totally eradicated from the infected system.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy
  • Quick & tested solution for HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy

Files associated with infection (HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy):


Remove registry entries (HandCraftedSoftwareFreeProxy):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesFree Proxy Service
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Free Proxy Service

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