Ultimate SearcherUltimate Searcher is an extension for Google Chrome which can be downloaded from its official website yhit.press or https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ultimate-searcher/jjmppkdpnencnecbpaodipcedcichaie?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog (the Chrome Web store). Not much information is provided for users about it. They are only told that it is the best and the most secure extension which can improve the user’s web browsing experience to a great extent. Even though it might really seem to be a beneficial piece of software at first sight, specialists working at pcthreat.com cannot say anything very positive about it because research they conducted has revealed that it has several serious drawbacks which make it an untrustworthy program. Frankly speaking, they could not find a single useful activity it performs. Because of this, it is recommended to disable Ultimate Searcher. Find all the reasons why this piece of software needs to be removed listed in the following paragraphs. Potentially unwanted applications are not harmful threats that can ruin computers or install a bunch of malicious applications on users’ PCs without permission; however, they might still cause problems, so keeping them active on the system is a very bad idea. Ultimate Searcher is not one of these dangerous malicious applications too, but there are still several reasons it cannot be called a trustworthy piece of software. First, research has shown that users might be provided with the sponsored search results due to its presence. It does not change users’ homepages and default search tools on Google Chrome like other browser extensions classified as potentially unwanted software. Unfortunately, we cannot say that it does not make any modifications. After the successful infiltration, it applies certain changes so that all the searches users perform using their default search tools would be redirected through Yahoo!. Although this search engine is considered trustworthy, users might be provided with the so-called sponsored search results which act like commercial advertisements. They look like ordinary search results, but they are not. First, they have nothing in common with the user’s entered search query. Second, they open certain third-party pages only to drive traffic to them. The more users click on these sponsored links, the higher profit the developer of Ultimate Searcher gets. This activity does not seem to be dangerous at all at first glance, but the truth is that users might experience security-related problems if they click on them. This might happen if they are redirected to corrupted pages after clicking on these sponsored links. Unfortunately, it is not a piece of cake to avoid those ads because they usually take the form of ordinary search results. Because of this, users should go to uninstall Ultimate Searcher today. They will not see a single advertisement again if they get rid of this extension. Consequently, they will lower their chances of ending up on corrupted pages. Many users cannot understand why Ultimate Searcher is active on their Google Chrome browsers if they have not installed it willingly. Unfortunately, according to our specialists, this indicates that this piece of software has been installed on those users’ PCs without their knowledge. Potentially unwanted applications are quite sneaky threats, so it is not hard for them to find a way to sneak onto computers. Research has shown that they might travel in software bundles next to various third-party applications promoted on P2P pages. In this case, it would be possible to cancel the installation of an undesirable program if users choose the Advanced installation option. Unfortunately, they usually skip installation steps quickly and, in consequence, install all programs from software bundles. Moreover, you might have Ultimate Searcher enabled on your system also because you have clicked on a pop-up advertisement promoting this extension. Such pop-up ads promoting browser extensions usually redirect users to their official websites and then users are lured into installing these promoted applications on their PCs. For example, pop-up ads promoting Ultimate Searcher redirect users to yhit.press/b.php (the download page on its official website). Then, they usually end up with this piece of software if they click on two buttons “Stay” and “OK.” The presence of Ultimate Searcher might have undesirable outcomes, so its removal is necessary no matter you have installed it willingly or it has been installed on your PC without your knowledge. First, open the Add-ons Manager and then delete the browser extension Ultimate Searcher. You should use our step-by-step instructions if it is the first time you are going to erase a browser extension. Of course, there is an easier way to take care of it – you can scan your PC with an automatic malware remover. Delete Ultimate SearcherGoogle Chrome
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Ultimate Searcher
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