HD Streaming MoviesWould you ever have thought that that HD Streaming Movies is an unreliable program? It is terrible and for this reason, we have classified it as a potentially unwanted program and recommend that you remove it. We do not want to give you the impression that it is dangerous. A potentially unwanted program is considered an application that does nothing useful leaves junk files or redirects to shady websites. The executable file is safe and poses no threat to your computer’s security. However, we have found that it has been configured to promote one or more websites that change regularly, and some of them offer a paid service, but the user gets nothing after paying. So we invite you to read this full description to know more. HD Streaming Movies is a very vague name, so finding information about it online is tough and time-consuming. Entering its name into a search engine will show many movie-related search results, but nothing that could point to this program. Therefore, those who research to find out a bit more about the software are bound to be disappointed. Nevertheless, we have found that this application comes bundled with a particular installer that is heavily bundled to begin with. Therefore, if you install HD Streaming Movies, then it is more than likely that you will also install unwelcome and even malicious software. We have no concrete information regarding the installer used or the programs it might come with. However, we assume that it can come with an InstallCore installer that features programs such as CouponDownloader which is an adware-type program, and MyPcBackUp and Foxtab PDF Converter that are considered potentially unwanted as well. On top of that, this installer might come with Yoursearching.com browser hijacker. Further research has revealed that this application comprises only of one executable file which serves as a browser window dedicated to promoting questionable websites. This dedicated advertising window similar to that found on ShopperSaga, SlateBeauty, and other adware developed by Flatiron Media. We have found that this advertising window can load websites that include the likes of Flixjunky.com and Megaflix.net, but most importantly, it promotes Filmzhub.com which is an untrustworthy site that claims to allow you to watch unlimited movies. This website was digitally signed by Top Media Corp Ltd, a company based in London, UK. You can sign up on it for free, but the service is paid, and we have found that this website does not grant you access to movies once you have paid. Therefore, we have concluded that HD Streaming Movies is used to promote a scam website and for this reason we recommend that you delete it since in light of this fact some of its other promotions may be malicious as well. We believe that none of its other promotions should be trusted, and the fact that Filmzhub.com is a scam website leads us to believe that Flixjunky.com and Megaflix.net are exactly the same. So given that this program is used by unknown entities to promote a fake website and extort money from gullible users, we invite you to remove it using our guide. Keep in mind that this application comes bundled with additional software and some of it is malicious in nature so be sure to uninstall all of it. If you are unable to detect any malware but you are clearly witnessing abnormal behavior on your PC, then we recommend that you use our featured free scanner that can locate all malicious files and registry keys. How to uninstall HD Streaming MoviesWindows 10
Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Windows XP
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HD Streaming Movies
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