Easy UninstallMany users download and install Easy Uninstall on their systems because they believe that it can help them to uninstall programs easier and quicker. We cannot blame users that they expect so much from Easy Uninstall because it claims on its official website easyuinstall.com that it will enable users to uninstall programs with a click of a button and delete all the junk files software leaves. Even though the application seems to be really useful, we do not think that you should keep it installed because it is known to be a potentially unwanted program. This software is called like that because it might act in an undesirable way. Keep in mind that this piece of software might perform various activities behind a user’s back, and it might be hard to notice that. To find out how this program really works, read this article. We will also tell you how you can erase it from the system too. Easy Uninstall is created by the ELEX company which develops undesirable programs, e.g. Picexa, mystartsearch.com, and universalsearches.com, so it is not very surprising that it is called a potentially unwanted program too. There are several reasons why it is called like that. First of all, specialists working at pcthreat.com have noticed that this application is capable of downloading malicious software, e.g. mysearch123.com and Ooxxsearch.com on systems. Of course, it will not inform users about that and will not ask their permission. If you keep this potentially unwanted installed for some time, there is basically no doubt that untrustworthy programs have already been installed alongside this PUP. They might change the homepage and search engine on all your browsers, display advertisements, and gather information about you and your activities on the web. You need to erase those suspicious programs if you wish to bring back everything to normal. It is highly recommended to remove Easy Uninstall if you do not want it to connect to the Internet day after day. Specialists say that this program will also not collect information about promotional offers you choose, pages you visit, searches you perform anymore if you erase it. Therefore, we suggest going for the removal of this software right now if you hate how it acts. In case you remove this program, you will not see its registry keys, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Easy Uninstall and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Easy Uninstall. On top of that, its files and folders will disappear from %PROGRAMFILES% (%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%), %ALLUSERPROFILE%, %USERPROFILE%, and %APPDATA%. Easy Uninstall is not a very bad program and it is available for download on its official website easyuinstall.com; however, we still believe that it might come bundled with other programs because it is so prevalent on the web and many users cannot explain how it has appeared on their PCs. Potentially unwanted programs might be downloaded from third-party web pages and torrent sites too. It is hard to say whether the program is trustworthy at first, so we suggest keeping a reliable antimalware tool enabled all the time. We are sure that it will recognize undesirable software and will prevent it from entering systems. As you already know after reading through this article, Easy Uninstall is definitely not the most reliable program even though it really provides the list of programs installed on the computer and might make it easier to remove them. Therefore, it would be best to remove this program from the system as soon as possible. It is not a serious computer infection, so you will be able to erase it via Control Panel. Use instructions which you will find below if you need some help with that. Keep in mind that it is also possible to erase this program automatically, i.e. you need to acquire SpyHunter and then scan the system with it. If you decide to go for the manual Easy Uninstall deletion, make sure that you take care of other untrustworthy programs installed on the system too. Unfortunately, this will not be easy to do. Delete Easy UninstallWindows XP
Windows 7 and Vista
Windows 8/8.1/10
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
Easy Uninstall
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