Systweak Support DockIf you have installed RegClean Pro on your system, which is a potentially unwanted program, it is very probable that Systweak Support Dock got on your PC as well. It includes different tools that will help you to fix errors, recover your lost files, and even optimize your computer. Systweak Support Dock seems as a very useful application; however, some computer users still state that it is rather suspicious. Of course, you do not have to remove it if you like it; however, you should consider about acquiring a more reliable tool. Systweak Support Dock will be installed on your system together with PC Cleaner and Advanced Disk Recovery. Even though all these applications are free and promise to help you keep your computer’s performance and its highest peak, you should definitely not trust it blindly because it has been found out that this application might just seek to trick you and convince you to buy is products. For instance, if you ever use their free phone support service, which is available only in the USA and Canada, it might be true that your problems will not be solved. Instead, you will be offered to buy even more products published by Systweak. What is more, you will never know whether Systweak Support Dock really fixes your system because it might be true that it shows that there are different problems on “clean” computers as well. In addition, a chunky toolbar, which will be added at the top of your desktop, might slow down Windows startup. Of course, it is your decision whether you want to keep it on your PC; however, we honestly believe that it is better to acquire a more reliable tool. If you do not like Systweak Support Dock for any reasons and want to erase it from your system, you can do that via Control Panel. It is not a difficult process; however, if you still do not know how to do that, you are free to use the manual removal instructions that we have provided below. Do you want to avoid various unwanted programs in the future? Do not forget to keep your antimalware tool enabled all the time. Besides, if you still do not have any tool installed on your PC, you should definitely acquire it as soon as possible. Remove Systweak Support DockWindows XP
Windows 7 and Vista
Windows 8
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Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
Systweak Support Dock
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Sounds straight forward, but it does not work. Just keeps saying uninstall processs is working, but it isn't.
Are these guys legit? Whenever I search for "systweak" on google, it looks like the suggested searches are always like "systweak scam" and other things talking about them being bad. Does anyone know for sure?