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Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer

M.M.A.Δ. Virus

M.M.A.Δ. Virus is a computer infection which can install itself without your permission and make unauthorized changes within the system, which results in the lock-down of the PC. The infection is categorized as ransomware for it displays a ransom warning that requires that you pay a particular sum of money. In fact, M.M.A.Δ. Virus refers to one of the variants of the Trojan Urausy, which has already affected computers in various countries. Not only is it known in Cyprus, but you would also be at risk of getting the PC infected if you lived in the U.S., Canada, France, and many other countries. Some other variants of the Trojan are Secretaria de Seguridad Publica Virus, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police virus, and Ministerul Afacerilor Interne virus. Needless to say, there are many more versions, all of which should be removed from the computer as soon as possible.

The warning that contains the emblem of M.M.A.Δ., which in English reads the Emergency Response Unit, and the emblem of the national police. The aim of M.M.A.Δ. Virus is to convince you that the warning is related to law enforcement in Cyprus and that you have to follow the requirements provided.

According to the M.M.A.Δ. warning, you are accused of using prohibited material. Moreover, it is said that you are suspected of downloading pirated content. These fake allegations have supposedly determined the lock-down of the PC, which you can unlock. The warning says that you have to pay a fine of €100, which has to be done by using either Ukash or Paysafecard. Both these services can be used safely on particular website, and if you are required to expose the code of a Ukash or Paysafecard voucher, keep in mind that someone is trying to deceive you.

Do not pay the criminals behind M.M.A.Δ. Virus but invest in a reputable and powerful spyware removal tool that can easily remove the infection from the PC. We recommend that you use SpyHunter, for this application has been already chosen by a lot of computer users around the world. Follow the instructions provided below to install the program and discover how easily it can tackle the problem. It will save your time by scanning the PC automatically, and, without a doubt, provide you with effective protection, which enables you to browse the Internet safely.

How to remove M.M.A.Δ. Virus?

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Wait for the BIOS splash screen to load and tap the F8 key.
  3. Using the arrow keys, select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Go to and download the recommended software.
  5. Install the application and scan the PC.

Windows 8

  1. Press the Windows key.
  2. Once present in Metro mode (Start screen), click the Internet Explorer tile.
  3. Go to our website and download SpyHunter.
  4. Install it and launch a system scan.

Windows XP

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Once the BIOS splash screen loads, tap the F8 key.
  3. Using the up/down arrow key, select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Click on Yes when the dialog box appears.
  5. Open the Start menu and launch the Run command.
  6. Type msconfig and press OK.
  7. On the Startup tab, click Disable All.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Go to and download the anti-spyware tool.
  10. Reboot the PC.
  11. Install the program and remove M.M.A.Δ. Virus.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* M.M.A.Δ. Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for M.M.A.Δ. Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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