Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • System crashes

Poliisihallituksen Virus

Having one infection in your computer generally means that you are infected with other computer threats as well. This can be also applied to the case of Poliisihallituksen Virus, which is a ransomware application, but it usually is distributed by Urausy Trojan. Due to the fact that Poliisihallituksen Virus denies desktop access, users tend to concentrate on this infection alone, and they fail to notice that their system is also infected with Trojans. However, when you remove Poliisihallituksen Virus from your computer, make sure that you perform a full system scan with a reliable antimalware program that will detect all the other infections as well.

Poliisihallituksen Virus did not appear out of nothing. This ransomware program that infects users in Finland is a direct descendent and simply another version of Keskusrikospoliisi virus, Tietoverkkorikosten Tutkinnan Yksikkö Virus and other computer infections from Ukash Virus group. Probably the most notorious infection from this family if FBI MoneyPak Virus, however, all the other threats make use of the same tactics to enter target computers and to extort money from innocent computer users. The main point is that Poliisihallituksen Virus cannot be trusted, no matter how believable the notification on your screen might look like:


Titokonesi on lukittu turvallisuuden vuoksi allamainittujen syiden takia.

Sinut syytetään kielletyn pornograafisen aineiston (Lapsiporno/Zoofilia/Raiskaus jne.) katselusta/säilytksestä ja/tai levityksestä. Sinä olet rikkoneet lapsipornografian levitystä vastaisen yleismaailmallisen julistuksen ja sinut syytetään Suomen tasavallan rikoslain lakipykälän 161 edellyttämään rikokseen.

Above you can see an extract from the notification that is displayed on your screen. This message does not allow you to access your desktop, and it is always there no matter how many times you restart your PC. Poliisihallituksen Virus tries to convince you that you have violated several laws and that you were involved in pornography distribution. According to the infection, that is the main reason why your desktop has been locked.

Nevertheless, Poliisihallituksen Virus has nothing to do with the Finnish police authorities, and it only wants you to panic and then spend your money without giving it a second thought. It pretends that it can unlock your computer, and all you need to do is pay the ransom fee within 48 hours since the appearance of the notification on your screen.

However, the only one who can unlock your desktop is you. Do not pay attention to the message on screen and then follow the instructions below to get your computer back, and remove Poliisihallituksen Virus for good.

How to unlock my PC

Windows 8

  1. Press Windows key and metro GUI will open.
  2. Click Internet Explorer and type into the address bar. Press Enter.
  3. Click Run on the download dialog box and install SpyHunter.
  4. Perform a full system scan.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Restart your computer and tap F8 continuously until Advanced Boot Options menu appears.
  2. Select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  3. Go to and download SpyHunter.
  4. Install the program and run a full system scan.

Windows XP

  1. Follow the steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
  3. Download SpyHunter.
  4. Open Start menu and launch Run.
  5. Enter “msconfig” into the Open box and press OK.
  6. Select Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
  7. Click Disable all button and press OK to save changes.
  8. Restart your computer in Normal Mode.
  9. Install SpyHunter and scan the PC.

Do not hesitate to invest in a reliable computer security application that will help you deal with Poliisihallituksen Virus automatically. Also, you can always leave us a comment if you have any questions about malware removal.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Poliisihallituksen Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Poliisihallituksen Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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