Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Annoying Pop-up's

Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus

Computer users worldwide are experiencing a new onslaught of ransomware applications from the Ukash Virus group. Users in Poland are of no exception as it has been reported that they are being attacked by Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus at the moment. This ransomware infection denies desktop access and displays a misleading notification on your screen, claiming that your computer has been locked down due to criminal activity. Unless you remove Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus from your system, you will not be able to operating your computer anymore. Luckily, this infection cannot format your HDD or delete your files, so it is possible to deal with this infection swiftly and efficiently.

Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus is not the only ransomware program that is currently active. There are also Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information virus, Australian Communications and Media Authority virus and a few other programs that have popped up recently, wrecking computers worldwide. The most important thing that users need to understand regarding Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus is that none of the information on your screen is real. The infection tries to make you think that you have been involved in distributing and storing child pornography, and therefore, you need to pay a 500 PLN fine, otherwise you will be tried in court. The application says that the charges will be revoked if you pay the fine within 48 hours. However this “fine” is nothing else, but a ransom fee the infection expects you to pay.


Pański osobisty komputer został zablokowany ze wzslędów bezpieczeństwa z wskazanych niżej przyczyn.

Pan/Pani jest oskarżony/a w przeglądzie/przechowywaniu i/albo rozpowszechnieniu materiałów pornograficznych zabronionej treści (Pornografia dziecięca/Zoofilia/Zgwałcenie i tak dalej). Pan/Pani porusz-O/a Światową Deklarację po walce z rozpowszechnieniem pornografii dziecięcej i jest oskarżony/a w dokonaniu przestępstwa, przewidzianego Artykułem 161 Kodeksu Kryminalnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.

The notification may look real, because of the symbols of law enforcement authorities used on it. Nevertheless, there is nothing legal about Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus – it is a malicious program created by cyber criminals who need to be put behind the bars themselves. What is more, if you pay the fine via Ukash or PaySafeCard, you will only lose your money, as Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus has no intention of unlocking your computer. Rather than paying the fine for something you have not committed, you should invest in a powerful antimalware tool to remove Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus and other malware applications, because there is a high chance that the ransomware program entered your PC due to prior infections.

Naturally, in order to delete Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus and other infections from your computer, you need to restore your desktop access first. To do that, follow the instructions below:

How to unlock my computer

Windows 8

  1. Press Windows key for metro Start menu to show up.
  2. Click Internet Explorer tile and enter http://www.pcthreat.com/download-sph into the address bar.
  3. Press Enter and click Run when download dialog box appears.
  4. Install SpyHunter and scan your PC.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Restart your PC and tap F8 continuously.
  2. Select Safe Mode with Networking from Advanced Boot Options menu. Press Enter.
  3. Go to http://www.pcthreat.com/download-sph and download SpyHunter.
  4. Install the program and run a full system scan.

Windows XP

  1. Follow the steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Press Yes on a confirmation dialog box.
  3. Download SpyHunter.
  4. Open Start Menu and click Run.
  5. Type “msconfig” into the Open box and click OK.
  6. Open Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
  7. Uncheck all programs on the list and click OK.
  8. Reboot the PC in Normal Mode.
  9. Install SpyHunter and scan your PC.

If you think that you cannot remove Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus on your own, leave a comment below and we will help you.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Polizja Biuro Służby Kryminalnej Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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