Danger level 5
Type: Potentially Unwanted Application
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer

PC Health Kit

PC Health Kit is a rogue security application which you may come across accidentally, especially if you like downloading various free applications. The rogue program has its official website pchealthkit.com, where it is presented as a tool that can increase the speed of the PC, optimize its performance, and protect your privacy. However attractive the application or its advertisements are, you should remove PC Health Kit from the PC.

The application should be removed as it does not provide actual information about the system but rather attempts to beguile you into purchasing its full version. In order to make you purchase the licensed program, PC Health Kit simulates system scan and displays pop-up warnings. As the application supposedly has various functions, different fake system errors are displayed. For example, it reports on some registry errors, temporary Internet files, cookies, invalid shortcuts, and so on. Different actions regarded each of the errors can be performed on clicking the tabs such as Registry, Clean Up, and Optimize.

The treacherous application also removes almost all shortcuts from the desktop, including the shortcuts of security programs. Moreover, you may notice that the system is not working properly. If PC Health Kit has been installed without your consent, it means that it has been downloaded while browsing insecure website or via other ways of social engineering.

Do not buy the full version of the program as the money will be received by cyber criminals. You will be asked to fill in a purchase form where you will have to expose your personal details, including first and last name, credit card number, CVV2 number, and other personal information. If you do not want to lose your sensitive information, remove PC Health Kit right now.

The easiest way to remove PC Health Kit is by using a spyware removal tool. Our advice is to use SpyHunter as this application can terminate various computer infections and protect your privacy. The sooner you remove the threat, the sooner you can safely use the computer and browser the internet.

How to remove PC Health Kit

Windows Vista and Windows 7

1. Click Start - > Control Panel.
2. Click Uninstall a program.
3. Remove PC Health Kit.

Windows XP

1. Click Start - > Control Panel.
2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
3. Mark the program you want to remove and click the Remove button.

Windows 8

1. Press and hold down the Windows key + R.
2. Type control panel.
3. Click  OK.
4. Select Uninstall a program.
5. Double-click PC Health Kit.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* PC Health Kit
  • Quick & tested solution for PC Health Kit removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove PC Health Kit

Files associated with infection (PC Health Kit):


Processes to kill (PC Health Kit):


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