- Block exe files from running
- Installs itself without permissions
- Connects to the internet without permission
- Slow Computer
Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section virusComputer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Virus is a ransomware which has been activated by the malicious Reveton Trojan and which may paralyze your operating Windows system without prior warning. The malignant program has been designed as a screen-locking notification through which cyber criminals may attempt to trick you into believing that the FBI demand you to pay a legal fine. Of course, this is a scam and you should pay no attention to any of the presented statements. If you do, you might follow the steps of Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus victims. As you can see from the name of this threat, targeted Windows users were threatened with the name of yet another authoritative law enforcer. Therefore, we recommend that you remove Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Virus without paying attention to the credentials of United States Department of Justice and FBI. The fictitious screen-locking alert is used to convince you that you are guilty for distributing pornography and similar illegal activities. Even if you are somehow related to this, you should ignore the demanded fine of $100 because the alert if bogus and paying the fine is unnecessary. Here are the accusations:
If you do not want to become a victim of schemers, you should not pay the presented fine or contact the provided email address (surcharge@cyber-usa-police.gov), and you should delete Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Virus. Note that this particular threat is also known as the Paysafecard Virus. The title comes from the money transfer system which is attached to the ransomware and used by cyber crooks to collect the fictitious fines. Overall, no matter how believable the notification is, you have to remove Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Virus without even thinking about paying the requested fine. Since you are dealing with a malicious Trojan, even if you do pay the fine, your PC could remain locked. Therefore, we recommend that you install automatic spyware detection and removal software at once. How to delete the infection?Delete from Windows 8:
Delete from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
Delete from Windows XP:
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section virus
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