Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer

Politie Nederland Virus

Politie Nederland Virus is a computer infection which targets operating Windows systems, particularly those in the Netherlands. If this is the country you live in and your computer is unprotected against schemers and their devious malware – the malignant application can enter without your authorization or knowledge at any point. Cyber criminals know how you use the computer and how you surf the web, which is why there are plenty of security backdoors which could be implemented to infiltrate Trojans onto your own PC. If your Windows system is infected with the Urausy Trojan – Politie Nederland Virus removal may become your problem sooner than you think.

Politie Nederland Virus is also known as EC3 Europol Virus and has multiple clones which are targeted at other European countries, for example – Dirección General de la Policía Virus and Polícia De Segurança Pública Virus. Even though these threats have different names they represent identical notifications to the one displayed below.

OPGELET! Uw computer is geblokkeerd op grond van een of meer hieronder vermelde redenen. […]
De boete moet binnen 72 uur na de overtreding worden betaald. […]
De boete bedraagt €100. U kunt betalen een boete of Ukash PaySafeCard.

The fictitious alert, which appears on the locked PC’s screen when the Trojan corrupts your computer, is used to accuse you of fictitious cyber crimes. Authentic Police representatives would not ask you to pay fines through Paysafecard or Ukash if you did distribute child pornography or sent malicious spam emails across the web. Furthermore, the fines for committing such crimes would much higher than 100 Euros. This only proves that your computer has been locked illegally and that you need to delete Politie Nederland Virus from your operating Windows system.

If you postpone removal procedures, schemers could infect your PC with secondary infections and threaten your virtual privacy. This is extremely dangerous which is why you should not hesitate about Politie Nederland Virus removal any longer. Since most Windows users do not have the right skills to delete the threat manually, we strongly recommend having Politie Nederland Virus removed with legally acquired security tools which work automatically.

Delete the virus from Windows Vista/7:

  1. Restart the computer, wait for BIOS to load and start tapping F8.
  2. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking and tap Enter.
  3. Launch a browser and go to .
  4. Download and install the automatic virus removal tool SpyHunter.

Delete the virus from Windows XP:

  1. Push the power button to restart the PC.
  2. As soon as BIOS loads, start tapping the F8 key.
  3. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking. Tap Enter.
  4. Click Yes on the appeared “Windows is running in safe mode” alert.
  5. Open the Start menu and launch RUN.
  6. Type “msconfig” and click OK (or hit Enter).
  7. Now click on Startup and select Disable All. Click OK.
  8. Download SpyHunter.
  9. Restart the computer and install the automatic virus removal tool.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Politie Nederland Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Politie Nederland Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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