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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes


Trojan.Diskhide.A is a dangerous computer infection that stays hidden at the basic system level. It is installed as a kernel-mode driver and it helps other malware to stay hidden on your PC. Trojan.Diskhide.A is known to hide Trojan:DOS/Wador.A. The latter Trojan infects Master Boot Record and downloads multiple malware onto your computer. Since it is essential to terminate malware at the early stages of infection, you should remove Trojan.Diskhide.A from your system as soon as possible to avoid getting infected by other cyber threats.

Since this Trojan is installed as kernel-mode driver, it can be exceptionally hard to notice any infection symptoms. Our advice is to run full system scans regularly using a powerful antimalware tool. Automatic detection is the best way to find Trojan.Diskhide.A in your system, because there are no visible symptoms associated with this infection. Naturally, this Trojan leaves its mark in your system by dropping a few files. For example, if you find my.sys or bios.bin at the C:\ directory, it is very likely that you are infected with Trojan.Diskhide.A. However, there are no processes that would be associated with the threat, so it is harder to disclose the infection.

It has been revealed that Trojan.Diskhide.A MIGHT execute a service called fileprt, but that is not 100% guaranteed. Other than that, the Trojan hooks hard disk routines that allows it to intercept and change requests for the Master Boot Record. Since it had write MBR requests on its own, Trojan.Diskhide.A hides malicious codes installed by Trojan:DOS/Wador.A, allowing malicious infections to enter your system surreptitiously.

Since it is obvious that Trojan.Diskhide.A is a dangerous computer threat, you should not wait any longer - get the free SpyHunter scanner and run a full system scan to see whether you are infected or not. If so, remove Trojan.Diskhide.A automatically with a powerful antimalware tool, because manual removal would be too complicated lest you're not a computer expert. Invest in a powerful antimalware tool, and safeguard your PC against similar threats.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Diskhide.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Diskhide.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Diskhide.A

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Diskhide.A):


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