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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer


It is most likely that you will not know anything about Backdoor.Atadommoc.C running within your operating Windows system. This is because this sinister computer infection is a rootkit Trojan that is capable of disguising its processes and hiding components from removal. The sinister program is also known as Backdoor:Win32/Atadommoc.C, Trj/Ransom.AB, Virus.Win32.Injector and Trojan.Win32.Buzus.lylp, but these names are not as important as those identifying malignant Trojan’s components. Only if these files get deleted you will be able to guarantee that you have removed Backdoor.Atadommoc.C.

The first three symptoms that will help you discover Backdoor.Atadommoc.C running will be slower computer performance, unfamiliar files running from your Application Data folder and products dropped into the Windows Registry. Note that if you cannot access the Registry Editor and you notice that other admin privileges have been removed, you PC is already infected with additional malware, which means that you need to implement tools to remove infections immediately.

After schemers manage to drop infectious components (e.g. updates.exe and 3mpd.exe) into your operating Windows system via exposed security vulnerabilities, they will create connections to remote servers using the 8080 port. It has been discovered that the malign infection connects to such remote servers as and, and there is a great chance you will be redirected to these precarious sources whilst surfing the web. If this happens, please limit your browsing tasks until Backdoor.Atadommoc.C is deleted.

Overall, you should be most careful with two malicious executable files, one of which is 3mpd.exe (%USERPROFILE%), a surreptitious rootkit component that can block you from detecting the infection. The second file you need to be aware of is updates.exe (%APPDATA%), a cloaked file that disguises as an authentic Windows component that usually can be found under C:\Documents and Settings. This file should be considered as a malware dropper and an email worm that is capable of modifying run-time policies, hijacking processes and stealing login data. In the case of the latter, your online chat and email accounts could be breached by schemers in order to infect other systems.

Rootkit Trojans are extremely hard to remove and if you have not succeeded at this type of a task in the past, you should consider automatic Backdoor.Atadommoc.C removal only. Follow the link below to install SpyHunter, a reliable automatic removal program, and do it as soon as possible because with this malicious infection within the PC your operating system is as vulnerable as ever.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Backdoor.Atadommoc.C
  • Quick & tested solution for Backdoor.Atadommoc.C removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Backdoor.Atadommoc.C

Files associated with infection (Backdoor.Atadommoc.C):


Processes to kill (Backdoor.Atadommoc.C):


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