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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Trojan.Chcod.A is a generic Trojan with backdoor and downloader qualities that has first appeared in November, 2009. It has been out there for quite a while, and it is still terrorizing a big number of users worldwide. If you think that you might be infected with Trojan.Chcod.A you should look for Atf.exe process file in Windows Task Manager. This file is associated with the Trojan directly, and it's a definite telltale of this infection. Otherwise it would be hard to tell whether you are infected or not without a complete system scan, because Trojan.Chcod.A does not have an interface and does not announce its presence in any other way.

This Trojan usually spreads via spam email messages. When a user clicks on a link embedded in a spam message, or opens an attachment that has come with it, he or she inadvertently prompts the Trojan installation, during which Trojan.Chcod.A adds an auto-run subkey into the registry and as a result it loads together with your system the moment you turn on the computer.

Judging from its aliases Trojan.Chcod.A connects to its command and control center to receive instructions on what malicious programs it should download next. This is exactly what Trojan.Chcod.A does - it breaches your privacy and security by allowing other malware to enter your system via a blackdoor it creates. In order to prevent this from happening and to save your system you need to remove Trojan.Chcod.A as soon as you can.

Automatic removal is the most ration option you can choose, because it is fast and efficient and you do not face the danger of accidentally deleting an important system file (were you to go and try erasing Trojan.Chcod.A on your own). Thus, do not wait any longer and get yourself a computer safeguard program that will help you to terminate Trojan.Chcod.A and all of its components for good.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Chcod.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Chcod.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Chcod.A

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Chcod.A):


Processes to kill (Trojan.Chcod.A):


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