Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection


HackTool:Win32/WpePro is a Trojan infection that can change your PC’s performance if you allow this malicious threat to penetrate into the system by not securing it with the help of a powerful antivirus or antispyware application. In the hands of cunning cyber criminals, the Trojan can do considerable harm to the system; hence, it is important to remove HackTool:Win32/WpePro as soon as the results of its activities are noticed or suspected.

The Trojan has targeted all Windows OS versions and Linux, as well. Once in the system, the threat, more precisely, WPE PRO - modified.exe, which is a component of the Trojan, launches its processes after disabling some processes of the system. Because of the presence of this malicious file, different malware or infected files could be downloaded onto your PC without your knowledge and approval. If you notice that your machine does not operate as usual, the cause of the malfunctioning may be either changes introduced by HackTool:Win32/WpePro or the presence of freshly downloaded malware. Moreover, HackTool:Win32/WpePro may collect your browser’s history and allow remote hackers’ access to the system. Depending on the type of additional programs used by cyber crooks, this Trojan can record keystrokes, steal and crack passwords or violate your privacy in a different way.

Consequently, remove HackTool:Win32/WpePro by using a spyware removal application so that no clandestine components, which may be able to renew the infection, are skipped. Moreover, not only will a powerful application remove HackTool:Win32/WpePro, but also it will protect the victimized system against future infections if you keep the program updated and ready to meet all possible network threats.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* HackTool:Win32/WpePro
  • Quick & tested solution for HackTool:Win32/WpePro removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove HackTool:Win32/WpePro

Files associated with infection (HackTool:Win32/WpePro):

WPE PRO - modified.exe

Processes to kill (HackTool:Win32/WpePro):

WPE PRO - modified.exe

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