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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer


FakeGal is a Trojan, which can cause severe damage to your operating Windows system and steal your sensitive information for the purposes of profiting and spreading its malignant files. This cunning application can remove your administrative privileges, slow your system down to inoperable levels, or even fix your name to unlawful activity. Hence, to get rid of any chance of having your personal privacy breached, it is recommended to check your system for FakeGal’s components with legitimate security guards, which will remove FakeGal from your PC.

FakeGal Trojan does not have an interface, as it is important for this program to stay hidden from your detection. This is why it is essential to discover these files (see bellow), which must be deleted in order for FakeGal Trojan to be removed. Note, all of these files are cloaked, which indicates that original files, by the same names, might be existent in your computer.

Original systemcleaner.exe file exists in C:\Program Files and is sized 497,152 or 2,854,616 bytes. This file can record information from legitimate Windows applications and can collect your input data, so be aware that these attributes could be used by the malignant FakeGal’s executable, in case it modifies the original one. This file can also add FakeGal’s processes to the system’s boot-up, hijack some Windows processes and create additional ones.

This FakeGal executable uses the name of a popular VLC player’s setup file and is responsible for your information’s stealing. Vlcsetup.exe can connect to the Internet, open up browser pop ups, collect your keyboard and mouse inputs, record your browsing activity, delete processes and modify Firewall settings. This FakeGal file can also use IRC to connect your account to chat rooms without any authorization, to spread FakeGal infection to other computers.

This cloaked FakeGal executable is also a malware downloader, which can add malicious products to your registry, communicate with remote servers, and even disable your Windows’ safe mode. This is extremely dangerous, causing difficulties for those, who will want to remove FakeGal manually.

Overall, it is not recommended to delete the malignant FakeGal Trojan manually, as many of its files are cloaked, and original components could be removed instead of the malignant ones. In this case, you might think that FakeGal is destroyed, when in full truth it could be silently regenerating the infection. This is why automatic software is the best solution to have FakeGal deleted!

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* FakeGal
  • Quick & tested solution for FakeGal removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove FakeGal

Files associated with infection (FakeGal):


Processes to kill (FakeGal):


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