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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection


Win32/Sirefef.DA is a malicious application that belongs to a big multi-component family of Win32/Sirefef Trojans. These Trojans interfere with your internet experience by redirecting you to various malicious websites, spamming you with annoying advertisements and increasing web traffic to websites that survive on pay-per-click advertising revenues. Depending on what the hacker wants Win32/Sirefef.DA to do, it can download additional malware and update the other family parasites, or simply work in the background in order to hide the presence of malicious applications in your computer.

Judging from the fact that one of the files associated with the parasite is avgldx86.sys, Win32/Sirefef.DA can use rootkit techniques to enter your computer and then avoid being detected by in-built security products. Since this Trojan uses rootkits, it can run in the system’s background all of the time. It also implies that upon the installation Win32/Sirefef.DA inserts additional keys into the Registry that allow the Trojan to load automatically every single time to start your computer. That is exceptionally dangerous, because there are no exact symptoms of the infection, and Win32/Sirefef.DA can cause a lot of harm before you even notice that it is there.

Based on the behavior exhibited by other members of this big Trojan family, we can infer that Win32/Sirefef.DA drops its files in various system locations and all of these files are interconnected. Thus, even if you delete a Trojan-related file in one location, the file that is dropped some place elsewhere takes over. With Win32/Sirefef.DA constantly running your computer is exposed to other malware infections, because the Trojan can easily download and execute other malicious files, and rogue antispyware programs.

Since this Trojan drops its files everywhere, it might be hard to delete them on your own. Therefore, get yourself a powerful computer safeguard tool that will remove Win32/Sirefef.DA automatically, and you will no longer have to worry about it.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Win32/Sirefef.DA
  • Quick & tested solution for Win32/Sirefef.DA removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Win32/Sirefef.DA

Files associated with infection (Win32/Sirefef.DA):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Win32/Sirefef.DA):


Processes to kill (Win32/Sirefef.DA):


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